At the Southampton Airport Stakeholders conference today there was even a small Green note to the airport expansion plans if that is not a too large contradiction in terms. The long term plan is to charge airlines different landing rates depending on the noise emissions of the aircraft.
The plan was even backed at the meeting by Southampton’s main airline Flybe. This is however not as surprising as it appears because Flybe have just invested millions in lower emission aircraft. The good thing is that low noise aircraft also tend to be lower in fuel emission too.
The Green Switch is not only confined to aircraft and taxes with the Liberal Democrats switch of taxation from people to pollution, but can apply to many other areas of life. To support people and help with this switch new websites have appeared and here are two to start with :-
To effect Climate Change we all need to think how we can use a Green Switch in our lives and speaking on this subject councillor David Goodall said :-
“I have decide to switch my energy supplier to the Scottish Power H2O tariff. The financial cost is the same as normal but the cost to the planet is much less”