Thank you for contacting me with respect for this important subject of fracking.
There are a number of environmental concerns around the process of Hydraulic fracturing (fracking), which you are obviously concerned about otherwise you would not have written to me.
My position on this issue is only slightly different to the current Lib Dem party one.
Lib Dem Party position on fracking
The party position is that shale gas is only as a bridge to a future of only renewable energy, as switching from a fossil fuel based economy to a renewable one takes time. However, shale gas can only be used if the exploration and production do not have an adverse impact on the environment and are consistent with our efforts to tackle climate change. If the right safeguards are in place fracking and shale gas can have a role in energy supply as part of the transition to a low carbon future, by helping us to cut out ‘dirty coal’ as we develop renewable energy.
The view is that shale gas is the ‘greenest fossil fuel’ – making only half the carbon footprint of electricity produced by coal. While we develop better renewable energy, shale gas provides a cleaner alternative to coal. And that most gas is consumed for household heating and industrial and commercial use, where fewer renewable solutions are available, only around a quarter is used for electricity generation. Gas is likely to be needed for domestic heating until the 2030s as there is currently no renewable heating source which can be provided at the necessary scale within that time period. Fracking will help reduce the UK’s dependence on imports from the Middle East and elsewhere, increasing our energy security. Producing gas in the UK is more carbon efficient than importing it from thousands of miles away.
My position on fracking
All the points above are good ones, particularly with regards to the Areas of Outstanding Natural Beauty when considering the Island, but there are a couple of others that lead me to believe the best approach should be to go all out for renewable energy production. These are:-
All is this leads me to conclude the best approach is to development a robust renewable energy sector able to meet all our needs. This development requires a plan to dramatic increase the development of renewable energy, such a plan should include these elements:-
General position on Climate Change
Liberal Democrats have been campaigning against climate change for longer than any other political party. It’s in our DNA. Despite Conservative attempts to block our green policies, we have ensured this Government has been the greenest ever. Energy use is falling, helping to keep bills down. Investment in renewables has more than doubled, and as a nation we’re using twice as much renewable electricity. Competition in the energy market has never been greater, with new independent suppliers offering cheaper prices and better service. Lib Dems have led the way internationally too. Lib Dem Secretary of State for Energy & Climate Change Ed Davey spearheaded the UK push to persuade the EU to set an ambitious target of reducing carbon emissions by at least 40% by 2030. And on the pla
In the next Parliament we will prioritise saving energy, with council tax discounts for insulating your home and energy efficiency help for low income families with high fuel costs. We will carry on greening our electricity, getting rid of coal generation by 2025 and setting an ambitious power sector “decarbonisation” target. We will grow the green economy of the future with smart investment. And we will do this while keeping energy bills down. And on these plans Ed Davey said:-
And having campaigned with Ed a few years ago and seen him discuss energy policy on one doorstep for over half hour on a freeze cold February evening I know it is a subject he is very passionate about. In the next parliament there are a number of environmental policies that the Liberal Democrats plan to introduce that I am keen to support these are:-
1. A Green Homes Bill- to require every home to be properly insulated by 2035, keeping bills down, cutting carbon, and keeping people cool in summer and warm in winter. Everyone who significantly upgrade the energy efficiency of their home will get at least £100 off their Council Tax for 10 years; we will make interest free loans available to fund insulation; and create a new “feed out tariff” to reward people who install solid wall insulation. Rented homes will have to be fully insulated (to Band C) by 2027. And everyone who is “fuel poor” will be eligible to have their home upgraded by this date. Other plans under the bill would include:-
2. A Zero Carbon Britain Bill – to green our electricity. This will set an ambitious 2030 target to reduce carbon emissions from the power sector to between 50-100g CO2 per kwh, and getting rid of coal power generation by 2025. Continuing the shift to cleaner energy, supported by the Green Investment Bank, will support 250,000 low carbon jobs by 2020. The aim of the bill is to Britain’s adverse impact on climate change for good by 2050 by making Britain a zero carbon country. The Zero Carbon Bill will also include:
3. A Zero Waste Bill – Treble fines and claw back £500 million for the taxpayer by clamping down on organisations which fly-tip to deliberately evade tax and review the tax structure across landfill, incineration and collection. Other plans under the bill would include:-
4. A Green Transport Bill – Transport has a significant role to play in reducing carbon emissions. In the UK, transport is responsible for around 25% of our carbon emissions and is the fastest growing source of carbon emissions. We will bring forward a comprehensive package of transport policies to continue to build a people-centred, sustainable, safe travel system that helps the economy grow. The Green Transport Bill would also include:-
5. A Nature Bill – Establish the Natural Capital Committee on a statutory footing to provide advice to Government to ensure that nature is at the heart of government decision-making and that government departments are held to account for achieving progress against commitments to improving the natural environment. The Nature Bill would also include:-
And to help keep down bills the energy market competition will be increased, by enabling you to switch supplier to save money in just 24 hours, and we will take on the big six, setting a target for 30% of the energy market to be supplied by independent companies instead.
And finally for your thoughts some facts:
Hope this answer not only shows why I signed up to the no fracking campaigning for the Isle of Wight, but also that renewable energy generation is an area that I am very interested in and I have been since my first paper on the subject back in the early 1980s, as part of my studies at the Isle of Wight College.