My overall aim is to obtain and give as much help to the Island as possible, to be the IW Council’s critical friend & central government champion, to promote and enable local businesses to flourish and to help community groups achieve more. My vision is for everyone to work together for the Island’s benefit and my overarching task is to improve people’s lives.
As your local MP I will work in a pro-active manner with the IW Council, local businesses, town & parish councils and the many excellent community groups. One goal is to create a high quality education service that attains excellent standards and inspires the pupils. In addition, to create an environment that attracts new businesses, with improved roads, public transport, and quality housing, plus excellent high-speed broadband and mobile communications. Tourism will always be important, so I will work to make the Island an attractive all-year-round destination.
As your national MP I would aim to make this happen by working alongside Lib Dem colleagues to develop the correct national framework, to create prosperity for all by fairly balancing the budget and then investing to build a high-skill, low-carbon economy, that has fairer taxes for individuals and simpler taxes for business. Greater devolution of powers and funding to English regions would support this, as would improved greener transport infrastructure, plus investment in both our NHS and education systems. I also will support five acts to protect nature and tackle climate change to protect our green and pleasant land.
Related link: His Island Life