Lib Dem Portsmouth City Council decided some years ago that action to fight crime must be evidence-based and that all members of the Safer Portsmouth Partnership (officers, councillors and other organisations) must work closely together. Staff from outside agencies are co-located within the council offices alongside the Community Safety team. Rigorous scrutiny and research are carried out in order to be sure that the services provided are the right ones -including working with Portsmouth University.
Public sector cuts mean there is an even greater need to work more smartly so that, as far as possible services are maintained and this is a key Lib Dem priority. We’ve focused on specific problems to target in depth at any one time rather than trying to tackle everything at the same time and spreading diminishing resources thinly and therefore less effectively. This has proved to be very effective as crime in general has decreased and public satisfaction has increased
Two examples of what we are doing are preventing re-offending and tackling alcohol abuse
Cutting re-offending
Currently action is focused on better partnership working to enable offenders to turn their lives around. This includes delivering interventions to address domestic abuse, reviewing the effectiveness of integrated offender management and supporting those released from prison.
In 2011 a local ‘meet at the gate’ project was pump primed to make sure that the target group of ex-offenders have peer support, suitable accommodation and access to employment and training as soon as possible after release from prison in order to stop the re-offending cycle. The aim of the project is to improve existing services so that we work smarter within current – and reducing – resources. A city wide review of work to address re-offending is planned for 2013/14.
How will we know we have made a difference?
Alcohol abuse
Portsmouth has a vibrant night-time economy that benefits the city, bringing an influx of people from surrounding areas and boosting local jobs.
Most people drink alcohol sensibly, but a significant minority drink at levels that may harm their health. Alcohol misuse costs the city about £74 million per year through costs to health services, crime and criminal justice agencies and employers (25% of Alcohol Review Survey respondents lost at least one day of work due to drinking, 3.5% missed 10 days or more).
Although the city has less hazardous and harmful drinkers than the national and regional averages, the city has more ‘binge drinkers’ than the national average and this is something we are working hard to tackle. The crime (and violent crime) rate attributable to alcohol is higher in Portsmouth than national, regional or similar areas. Our residents also report that drunk and rowdy behaviour causes problems where they live.
What ‘works’ to reduce alcohol misuse?
Where are the gaps? And what are we doing about it?
The Safer Portsmouth Partnership aim to go further, increasing the number of people particularly young people and parents -receiving alcohol education; increase capacity to support victims of domestic abuse; reduce the availability of alcohol to young people; reverse the growth in hospital-related admissions and continue to target the night time economy through a combination of enforcement and promotion of responsible retailing to help reduce crime in those areas.