To encourage young people to get more involved in their community Eastleigh Borough Council regularly have activities with the Youth Council. On Tuesday evening it was time again for political speed dating. It was an opportunity for members of the Youth Council to get to meet local councillors and ask them questions in a one-to-one speed dating fashion.
Each young person got 3 minutes to quiz the councillors on any subject they wished. They then rated the councillors on things like their approachability, understanding of their issues and answers given. All the councillors scored well and much to some of the young peoples surprise they found all the councillors very approachable. Top of the councillor poll by the youngster’s was West End’s own Bruce Tennent.
After the young people’s turn it was the turn of the councillors to ask the questions and rate the young people. I found they were concerned over college and university costs but resigned to going into debt if they wish to better themselves. I would just question is it really right that we force young people into large debt when they wish to better themselves through higher education, whilst at the same time supporting young people on benefits who have no thought of improving their lot for themselves. In a civilised society we need to support young and old alike when they need, however surely we also need a better balance to the tax and benefits system than the one we have.
The aim of all Youth Councils is to promote the active citizenship of young people and they work with them to develop their skills and abilities to participate in decision-making and controlling resources, encouraging them to work together and to take collective action.