New plans published for the SGB Site, Chalk Hill, West End

You may have read in the local press that a developer called Matthew Homes has submitted plans to demolish the existing property on the former SGB premises site at the bottom of Chalk Hill and replace them with 40 residential units.

These units will comprise of 16 houses and 24 flats built over two, three and four storeys. Access to the development would be via a new road to be constructed off Chalk Hill. A total of 64 car parking spaces would be provided for the 0.55 hectare (1.2 acres) site.
The plans are available for inspection at the Borough Council offices in Eastleigh, and on the Borough Council’s website; from the “Planning” section using the Planning Number R/07/59618, or directly via:

Councillors on the Local Area Committee who will have to take a decision on the planning application are not allowed by planning rules to express a view on the application before the final committee meeting however both your West End South Councillors very much do want to learn of your views, comments and concerns.
Your West End South Councillors are David Goodall and Joyce Sortwell. Please do copy either of them in on any correspondence you have with the Council so that they can do their jobs as your local Borough Councillors. If there any questions you would like to ask them, or issues you would like to discuss, again please get in touch.

The plans are likely to be considered at the meeting of the Hedge End, West End and Botley Local Area Committee (HEWEB LAC) at 7pm on Monday 11th June in the 2000 Centre, St John’s Road, Hedge End. Anyone who makes representations on the plans – in opposition or support, will be invited to the meeting, but anyone is able to attend and speak.