Rose Bowl proposals aim to set new standards

Today members of the Bowl liaison panel and local councillors were given a briefing on the Rose Bowl proposals for the final development of this important site in West End. The aim of the proposal is to both improve the facilities for visitors to Rose Bowl and to decrease the impact on the local community.
When the plans are sufficiently mature they will come before the HEWEB local area committee for approval and as with all planning proposals the devil will be detail at that stage. Until then the proposals can be viewed on the Rose Bowl website or by visiting the Rose Bowl where they are going to be displayed.
Briefly the proposal is to :-

Commenting on the proposals Eastleigh Borough Councils leader Keith House said :-
“Eastleigh is proud to host one of England’s very best cricket and entertainment venues in West End. The Rose Bowl has an ambition to be one of the world’s greatest cricketing venues and Eastleigh Borough Council shares that ambition. The proposals launched today are an outline of a truly exciting package that can help boost more people taking part in cricket and watching some of the world’s best cricket. We’ll be working with The Rose Bowl as they refine their plans.”
These are just proposals at this stage so if anyone has any comments on them please contact a local councillor or Eastleigh Borough Council planning department.
These proposals are still subject to planning permission and they will as always with any planning application be given the fullest possible public hearing and examination. However if they meet all the planning regulations plus the main aims of improving the facilities and reducing the impact on West End then this will be of great benefit to West End and the wider area.