Shocking update – “Moorgreen Health or Houses?” ask ‘health’ chiefs

The Local Health Authorities still think that Moorgreen hospital is surplus to requirements. Over 18 months ago the Borough Council, in a motion at full council, called on the Local Health Authorities not only to reconsider their idea but also to provide enhanced services on the Moorgreen site.
Currently, in planning terms the Moorgreen site is specially designated for health use only. This is unless the Local Health Authorities come forward with an alternative plan which provides for all current and future health needs without using the Moorgreen site. The current position is that the Health Authorities have outlined plans to build houses at Moorgreen but have not as yet outlined plans to improve health provision either on the site or within Eastleigh.
I believe as a community we need more good local health care provision and not less. The current thinking appears to be to centralise all services in the centre of Southampton and is driven more by cost factors than actually providing the health service required.
There is clearly a need for large regional specialist centres like Southampton General, but not all health services need to be provided in this manner. There is still the need to provide local and district based health services. There should be a balance between a big central hospital and local provision.
Your local councillors would be very interested in your views on this matter and what facilities you would like to see provided by the Health Authorities at Moorgreen, so that we can judge whether or not the Heath Authorities are meeting your local need.
For more detail on their plans for the Moorgreen site see :-